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WFSAGI pays a visit to CLIA

WFSAGI pays a visit to CLIA

Write: Paine [2011-05-20]
The General Secretary of World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry Mr. Robbert, and other ten delegates including officials in WFSGI, lawyers and the businessmen from Nike, Adidas came to China and paid a visit to China Leather Industry Association on December 1, 2010. CLIA vice president Li Yuzhong met and held a talk with the delegates on the issues of common concerned.
The trade issues like anti-dumping duties imposed on Chinese shoes by Latin America countries and measures taken by Chinese side were introduced by Mr. Li to the delegates during the meeting, Mr. Li said Chinese shoes have strong competitiveness in Latin America that is regarded as an emerging market with huge footwear consumption, but since the end of 2009 Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and other countries in Latin America have taken trade protection measures against Chinese shoes, shoes origin from China will impose high tariff in these countries.
Mr. Robbert responded and said as trade environmental becomes worse in the Latin America countries these punitive measures may continue to extend, which not hurts Chinese shoemakers but also pose a threat to foreign brands that produced in China.
Both sides have agreed to take concerted efforts on handling the increasing trade protectionism, particularly on upcoming review of Brazilian anti-dumping duty on imported footwear, so as to prevent the trade protection from increasing.
CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5623