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Three Innovation of Linglong Group pass through the validation

Three Innovation of Linglong Group pass through the validation

Write: Quinlan [2011-05-20]

On April 28, 2010, a worldwide outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs financial pageant - the fifth Outstanding Chinese Entrepreneurs Fortune Leadership Forum and the Ninth Diplomats meeting were holding in Beijing Great Hall. He Luli, vice head of the Tenth National People's Congress Committee, Li Guixian, vice chairman of the Tenth CPPCC and other state leaders attended the opening ceremony.

Chinese business leaders, first 500 Chinese entrepreneurs, and representatives of prominent Chinese businessmen nearly 1,000 people from more than 30 countries and regions gathered together. Wang Feng, General Manager of Shandong Linglong Tyre Co. Ltd., was awarded the title of "2010 China Fortune Leader"and "2010 Top Ten Global Chinese Businessmen leaders in 100 businesses ".

"Chinese Fortune leaders" list is the first list in the world for the object of Chinese businessmen elites, organized and evaluated by the World Eminence Chinese Business Association every year, this year is the third selection. "2010 Top Ten Global Chinese Businessmen leaders in 100 businesses "is selected by the World Eminence Chinese Business Association according to the three indicators of industry influence, corporate influence and social impact of the entrepreneur in the global top three industries in select of outstanding representatives of entrepreneurs.

In the confused situation of increasingly competitive market, changeful international economic environment, the development of enterprises not only rely on the scientific market orientation, excellent product quality, advanced technical support, scientific management system, but also depend on the guidance of companies leadership.

Wang Feng, as a new generation of outstanding private entrepreneurs, inherit the fine tradition of hard work from the older generation of entrepreneurs in addition to the own spirit of the younger generation to strive for progress and innovation of fighting, demonstrating his ideation and mental outlook of advancing with times.

Over the years, he's capable in business management, brand marketing method, innovation in enterprises, and the active practice performance in social responsibility, were praised by the other enterprisers. Under his leadership, Linglong tyres get a rapid development. Since 2001 restructuring the company, the annual growth rate maintaining 40%, rapidly grow into the top 16 in the world and the top three in China, firmly establish the entrepreneurial spirit and characteristics of culture "unity and hard work , strive for No.

1 " - -in the upgrades of the industry, use tyres Industrial Park as a platform, formed a main industry of tyres manufacture, safeguard of energy supply, assistance of the production of raw materials, frame a unique circular economy industrial chain in the whole industry; in brand building, Linglong brand has been awarded "China Top Brand" , "China Famous Trademark", "500 most valuable brands in China" and other honors, brand value up to 6.

283 billion yuan , ranked in the top of the same industry; in technological innovation, the company has at least one new product every day to market, technological innovation has created eight first in domestic and six new record in China; in marketing, the sales network more than 160 countries and regions in the world, the annual sales income up to 13.

1 billion yuan, export over 600 million U.S. dollars, the company become to China's largest export enterprises for two continuous years. Due to the outstanding achievements, Wang Feng, general manager of Shandong Linglong Tyre Co. Ltd.,has won "Outstanding Entrepreneur of China", "Ten Outstanding Chinese brand building Entrepreneurs ", "Shandong Province Labor Medal for contribute to Shandong", "Ten Outstanding Youth of Shandong Province", "Outstanding Commie of Shandong Province".

.. ... the footsteps of entrepreneurs is never stop, in the journey of climbing the peak of tire business, Wang Feng is always a tireless person. In his mind, there are more ambitious goals waiting for him to achieve - Looking ahead, Linglong Group are getting ready to fight, during the time of the twelfth five-year plan , the company insist on the creed of green manufacturing, low carbon development, regard enhancing international market competitiveness as the core target, and strive to reach 70 million sets of tires in one year, sales revenue break through 60 billion yuan, to be a tire manufacturer of a world-class management level and technical level.