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Fragrance of TRT Medicinal Herbs Sowed Culture-enriched Olympic Spirit

Fragrance of TRT Medicinal Herbs Sowed Culture-enriched Olympic Spirit

Write: Carlo [2011-05-20]

Fragrance of TRT Medicinal Herbs Sowed Culture-enriched Olympic Spirit

TRT Museum is located in an ancient courtyard house of Chongwen District, Beijing. Here in the air floats the fragrance of traditional Chinese herbs and tells the history of TRT and traditional Chinese medicine. It is the culture-enriched Beijing Olympics in miniature. After the traditional Chinese medicine culture of TRT was listed in the national intangible cultural heritage, this has become a better place for people to study traditional Chinese medicine. The 2008 Beijing Olympics included this place in the culture-enriched Olympic sites , which has attracted many visitors at home and abroad. Thus the Party committee and Chairman of the Board of the company have formed a leading group with Mei Qun, General Manager, Lu Jianguo, Chairman of the Labor Union as the group leaders. The reception plans of 2008 Olympics have been made to ensure the success. Here are several interesting stories during the Olympic Games.

Mrs. Rogge showed interest in the copper man

On August 1, 12 people including Anne Rogge, wife of Jacques Rogge, the IOC President and other madams of officials of the executive committee visited TRT Museum and TRT Pharmacy in Dashilar accompanied by You Lantian, member of the standing committee of the municipal Party committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department.

This was the first stop of Beijing Olympic tour of Mrs. Rogge. According to the accompanying working staff, Mrs. Rogge was well-trained in Western medicine and when she was told TRT was engaged in traditional Chinese medicine, she showed great interest in it and was determined to visit TRT.

Entering TRT Museum, Mrs. Rogge was immediately attracted by the old and solemn Beijing courtyard house and told the working staff that she must take photos here. In the process of visiting the third exhibition hall, the interpreter introduced in detail the soul of the museum, the copper man for acupuncture.

Mrs. Rogge watched the acupuncture points on the body of the copper man with great interest and raised questions. When she was told that in the ancient times, people practiced acupuncture in the copper man and if the acupuncture was given correctly, the mercury would flw out of the body, she was amazed at the miracle.

In TRT pharmacy at Dashilar, Mrs. Rogge talked with Doctor Guan Qingwei, head of the hospital of the pharmacy, and also asked Doctor Guan to take the pulse of each customer. When Doctor Guan felt the pulse of Mrs. Rogge, she suddenly raised a question: would you recommend western medicine if the patient cannot be cured with traditional lichens medicine? Facing Mrs.

Rogge s question, Doctor Guan explained in detail the principle of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and pointed out that traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine should be combined to give play to their own advantages and as traditional Chinese doctors, we would not reject western medicine.

Hearing such explanations, Mrs. Rogge laughed heartedly. After the visit, Mrs. Rogge wrote such words on the visitors book: I am very interested in the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture technique and its development.

Traditional Chinese medicine complex of the Samoan President

On August 7 the day before the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics, TRT Museum welcomed another 4 visitors including Samoan President and his madam. Samoa is an island country in the South Pacific. The Southern Cross on the national flag clearly indicates its geographical location. The country covers an area of 29,340,000 square kilometers and has a population of nearly 180,000.

Chinese is an important part of the local minorities. With the integration of different nationalities, the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine is disseminated to this South Pacific island country about 10,000 li away from China. For this very reason, Samoan President was interested in traditional Chinese medicine and regarded TRT Museum as an important step in his tour to Beijing.

The President watched every exhibit on display carefully and raised many questions he was interested in. In the seventh exhibition hall which displays the modern products of TRT, he inquired in detail the effect and features of famous TRT medicines. In his talk with Mei Qun, General Manager, both of them expressed their wish to explore and expand the space of development of traditional Chinese medicine in the South Pacific area, laying a foundation for future exchanges and cooperation.

He wrote on the visitors book the following words: The traditional Chinese medicinal culture is fantastic. Its worldwide influence has left me deep impressions. It has scored great achievements in development in China and I hope it can enhance its influence all over the world.

On August 9 the first day after the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics, 9 people including Bridget Couchepin, Madame of Couchepin, President of Swiss Confederation visited TRT Museum. This first lady of Swiss Confederation is also professional of western medicine and meanwhile, she was also quite acquainted with traditional Chinese medicine.

Mrs. Couchepin watched every exhibition hall carefully and often raised professional questions. In the sixth exhibition hall which displays the raw materials and pharmaceutical method of traditional Chinese medicine, Mrs. Couchepin inquired about principle, method and process of the preparation and the changes in its property before and after the preparation.

She has also asked about Hua Tuo, a famous ancient Chinese doctor and Chinese anesthesia drugs, the drug with legendary colors. She said, Even at that time, Hua Tuo could perform the operation on patients with Chinese anesthesia drugs. The traditional Chinese medicine is really great.

The appointed visit time has passed without anybody noticing it. Mrs. Couchepin was still watching the exhibits with great interest and did not leave until she was twice reminded by the ambassador working staff. Mrs. Couchepin wrote on the visitors book: The knowledge and skill of traditional Chinese medicine are indeed marvelous. It belongs to China and the world. Congratulations on TRT and wish the forever development of TRT.