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The peach and hole flow fragrantly and travel Shaoyang of China

The peach and hole flow fragrantly and travel Shaoyang of China

Write: Mansa [2011-05-23]

The peach and hole flow fragrantly and travel  Shaoyang of China


Treasure celebrate 12 the intersection of scene and the intersection of peach blossom and hole in the intersection of city and the intersection of result and the intersection of city and south the intersection of peach blossom and village, the intersection of city and greater the intersection of karst and the intersection of ground form and phenomenon Shao. Treasure celebrate view peculiar in the 12 the intersection of scene and hole, eye take care of about, such as eddies of water, such as the intersection of wave and pile, if the tiger squats, such as the grotesque peak of Xia Yun, such as the tough ice draws your attention to, covers stone milks to condense , It is opened that the stone room is great, the soil links and rubs several, either lie or rest on, there are stone benches, stone beds. The treasure celebrates 12 scene top of cooking stove there is round Dou RuJing, takes a photograph of and receives the sunlight. The treasure celebrates 12 scenes (see one is mere the treasure celebrate the office will ) ,There are underground undercurrents in the hole. Many peaches before the treasure celebrates 12 scene holes in the past, the peach blossom was blooming in spring, one was while falling into water, by the overcast river in the hole, and then flowed out in the small stream behind the mountain, so claim the peach and hole flow fragrantly .
Treasure celebrate celebrate, know the intersection of office and auspicious to have poems of hole of peach blossoms mythical bird like the phoenix Fu by 12 the intersection of scene and clear treasure: Scheme it is deep and remote and out-of-the-way for cane to seek, fatherless pavilion fall, take dangerous, endanger peak, come cave far, piles of stone step sharpen cold smoke, the intersection of a thousand years and definitely flax, the stamen of the peach is delicious in three springs. Treasure celebrate 12 scene empty to stay the scenic spot, where will the fishing boat be looked for? There is huge stone that stands still for a long while outside the hole of the peach blossom, the rhizome is skinny, slightly like the mushroom and wild rice cigarette cloud. Treasure celebrate 12 the intersection of scene and scene Song make first sub ( 1264) The Shao s prefecture keeps elks and publishes the book Gu YunGen Three words are carved cloud root stone on it, and gain the name . The treasure celebrated 12 scene elks to step on and also write the ancient seal character The open fairyland of hole the peach and hole flow fragrantly Two volume is carved in the entrance to a cave.