Lie in the southwest direction of economic and technological development zone of Yantai, border on Zhujiang Road in the north, connect with the road to the river of Jinsha in the south.
The scientific and technological celebrity s sculpture garden covering an area of 57000 square meters, was open to visitor in 1994. The order and scientific and technological class are erecting astronomer Zhang Heng in period in the Eastern Han Dynasty in China respectively in accordance with times, the Northern and Southern Dynasties the intersection of mathematician and the intersection of agronomist and SiXie Jia, Huang Dapo, expert of textile, of Yuan Dynasty that grandfather wash of period, pharmacy family Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty, the agronomist Xu GuangYan and Polish astronomer Copernicus, Britain s evolution theorists Darwins, physicist Newton, huge relief to 13 scientists which the human society make remarkable contribution such as American inventor Edison, physicist Einstein, Polish physicist the Curies.
The path is winding in the garden, a chain of undulating hills, green grass such as mattress, the green tree China precededs, stroll into it, seem to place oneself in the midst of the intelligent palace, is having a taste of scientific glory. The due north of the garden is that one side accumulates man-made lake of more than 14000 square meters, green water little billows, the fish circle in the air at the shallow bottom, suitable recreation goes angling.
In the east of the garden is the international exchange centre of Yantai of China with an area of 3288 square meters, it s time to build the rising cylinder structure of presenting wheeling, the model is unique, exquisite, it is the same as one sound of translation systems to be furnished with China of Great Britain and produce 6 kinds of pronunciations, can carry on about 500 people of academic exchange and professional meeting; The hotel of Scien-tech garden close to the centre is like a ship shape, the outside is grand, it is refined to adorn inside, can taste the delicious food after travelling and lying fallow.