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Brief information on Dule Temple

Brief information on Dule Temple

Write: Chauncey [2011-05-23]
First built in the Tang Dynasty, Dule Temple is located on West Street in Ji County, about 113km (70 miles) from Tianjin City. With a history of over 1,000 years, it is one of the oldest still-standing timber constructions in China. It was said that An Lushan, a Tang Dynasty Prefecture military governor, once vowed to his troops, in front of the temple, that he would rebel against the Tang Kingdom. The temple s name comes from the fact that An Lushan liked and empathised with the two characters, du le , which means solitary joy .
Dule Temple is one of the top ten attractions in Tianjin, and is known as morning light of Dule Temple . The entire complex consists of Entrance Gate, Kwan-yin Pavilion, as well as the east and west halls. The Entrance Gate has a single-eaved palace roof, making it the earliest example of its kind among China s historic buildings. A horizontal board inscribed with the name of the temple hangs under the eastern roof, and the inscription is said to have been written by Yan Song, a premier of the Ming Dynasty. On both sides of the gate, there are two grand statues, commonly referred to as the heng and ha guards.
Standing at a height of 23 meters, the Kwan-yin Pavilion is the tallest and oldest example of a two-storey pavilion still standing in China. Inside the attic, there is a 16 meters- high clay statue of Kwan-yin and a ten-sided Buddha on the top. Thus, the Kwan-yin statue is also called The11-sided Bodhisattva. On the surrounding walls are 16 Arhat paintings and pictures of a Three-headed, Six-armed Ming king, painted by artists from the Ming Dynasty.
The Dule Temple is a representative work of ancient Chinese wooden architecture, and was recently added to the UNSCO World Heritage Tentative List.