The Museum of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region boasts a collection of 32,000 pieces, among which 288 pieces are considered first class. The collection includes silk, feather, and cotton fabrics; and features many brocade, damask and thin silk, gauze, printed and dyed cloth. Also in the collection is famed needlework from the Han and Tang Dynasties and some ancient haircloth such as blanket, felt, silk ribbon, some bamboo books and other books in different languages. There are also woodcarvings, clay figures, figure paintings in paper and thin silk, flower paintings, bronze ware, clothes and craftwork of different ethic groups as well as some fossils and ancient corpses.
The Museum has two basic displays: the Display of Xinjiang Historical Relics and the Display of Xinjiang Folklore. It has held a number of exhibitions at home and abroad, including the Primitive Society of China, Sinkiang Mummies, Xijiang from the Han to Tang Dynasties (206BC-907AD), Sinkiang Excavations, and Paintings Collected by the Museum, etc.