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President of Lincoln Institute Gives Lecture at PKU: Evaluating Smart Growth Programs in the US

President of Lincoln Institute Gives Lecture at PKU: Evaluating Smart Growth Programs in the US

Write: Dewi [2011-05-20]

Peking University, Beijing, Feb. 25, 2009: President and CEO of Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy Dr. Gregory K. Ingram was invited by Peking University (PKU) Lincoln Institute to give an lecture on the topic of Evaluating Smart Growth Programs in the United States.

Based on the Smart Growth Program, Dr. Gregory K. Ingram spoke on cases from eight different states, showing how the Smart Growth Program is effective and efficient when applied to policies. After specifically explaining the research approach and evaluation method, he then used data from those cases to give details on growth patterns, environmental resources, diverse transportation, economical housing, policies and regulations. Though Dr. Ingram believes the Smart Growth Programs is highly effective compared to other methods, he pointed out that the effects cannot be easily generalized; to generate positive results requires the collaboration between regional governments, scientific project designs and effective policy enforcement. Dr. Ingram says that the Smart Growth Program could help avoid high-cost city housing problems, but this must be supported by other related policies like economical housing. Also when executing the Smart Growth Programs, more attention must be paid to the redistribution of income.

President of Lincoln Institute Gives Lecture at PKU: Evaluating Smart Growth Programs in the US

Dr. Gregory K. Ingram

During the Q&A section after the lecture, the students and teachers started a good discussion with Dr. Ingram. The Director of PKU Lincoln Institute, Professor Man Yanyun, and Professor Huang Youqing among other experts and scholars asked questions and discussed with Dr. Ingram issues regarding evaluation mythology, Chinese city growth methods, city transportation, and low-income housing. The audience was very interested in Dr. Ingram s lecture and felt inspired by the discussions.

Dr. Gregory K. Ingram has been President, CEO and the International Institute Vice Chairman of Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy since 2005. He was once the Vice President of the World Bank and was in charge of evaluating project execution among other things. Prior to working at the World Bank, Dr. Ingram had achieved the title of economics associate professor at Harvard University, and had published literature on topics of urban economics, real estate market, transportation, infrastructure and environmental development. Dr. Ingram has a Doctorate of Economics from Harvard University, Masters Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University, and a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from Swarthmore College.

Translated By: Connie Chang

Edited By: Wang Yi

Source: PKU News (Chinese)