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Honour the intersection of country and office and would rather the honour street travel Shijiazhuang of China

Honour the intersection of country and office and would rather the honour street travel Shijiazhuang of China

Write: Hema [2011-05-23]

Honour the intersection of country and office and would rather the honour street travel  Shijiazhuang of China


Would rather the intersection of honour and street lie in the intersection of honour and the intersection of country and the intersection of office and right side, one in the style of the ancients the intersection of flavor and extremely strong getting clear the intersection of street and lane, also a qualified business street. There are 51 shops in all in the street, the signboard, pretence of the ancient type are hung in front of the shop, has reproduced the time of Ming and Qing Dynasties town scene. This street is in order to deal in the traditional antique, calligraphy and painting, hand handicraft,etc. as the main fact, cultural characteristics is extremely dense.
The office of honour country covers an area of more than 40,000 square meters, while dividing into, the east, three No. of the west, from various places to enter the Chinese courtyard house five times, there are 215 large cubicles in all, 102 verandas. The carved beams and painted rafter in the office, the flowing water of small bridge, in season in autumn of summer, Chinese flowering crabapple, ginkgo,etc. are with luxuriant foliage and spreading branches, fragrance spread several li, it is antique that Lin Mu sets off every room under, begin from the west, sequentially can spend drawing room, the intersection of mother and principal rooms, house, sister of phoenix, Jia, through the intersection of festoon and door, hallway; It is in Middle Road for office gate, exterior for respect gate, in halls, respect gates, honour Xi hall inner south, behind room will be enclosed; East Road whether the intersection of Mrs. and institute, Jia Wang remit a punishment in the institute.