
Global grain prices, already near two-year highs in many cases, are likely to rise further next year following a large draw-down in inventories, continuing weather-related issues and competition among major crops for limited acreage. This could complicate choices for policy...
The USDA released neutral-to-bearish grain reserve numbers Friday. In its December Supply/Demand Report, the government agency lowered the amount of U.S. corn and soybeans expected to be left over at the start of the new marketing year of September 1, 2011 for corn and beans and ...
The fastest rise in consumer inflation for 28 months has obviously left Chinese policymakers little room in which to maneuver. To strike at the root of accelerating inflation they must turn off the tap of liquidity quickly. China's consumer inflation surged from a two-year high ...
China state grain reserve released 8.6 million tonnes of grain on to the market from Nov. 29 to Dec.3 to ensure market supply and stabilize prices, said the country's top economic planner Thursday. The figure was up by 136,000 tonnes from the amount the previous week, with market ...
China s northeast Heilongjiang province failed to sell any of the 191,517 metric tons soybeans it had on auction today as crushers expect prices of the oilseed to fall, researcher said on its website. The auction s minimum bid price was 3,750 yuan ($564) a ton, said ...
Have you looked at a corn market chart lately? You may not want to in fear of depression, but the December 2010 corn futures look tired, and appear like they are headed to bed. The December 2011 futures are already in slumber land, otherwise known as freefall into a period of ...
Since Crude Palm Oil Futures on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives is actively traded in Malaysia Ringgit currency and Soybean Oil Futures on CBOT is in Dollar term, many novice traders are seldom looking into details the correlation of the two futures products traded over the two ...
The United Nations food agency fears a severe drought in China could increase world grain prices further. China's major agricultural regions are currently facing their worst drought in 60 years. If rain doesn't fall over the next few months, there'll be a major impact on the ...
The dynamics of crop consumption and the forthcoming acreage battle both favour corn prices over soybean values, a leading academic has said, forecasting an "extended bull market" in the grain. Soybean buyers are already feeling the pinch from higher prices, Darrel Good, ...
China's economic planning agency Thursday announced a rise in minimum rice purchase prices this year to encourage farmers to grow more grain. A statement on the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) website said the government would continue the policy of minimum ...
Chinese farm produce prices rose for a fourth consecutive week, through Jan. 23, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday. One reason for the price hike was that freezing weather in southern China had affected vegetable production and transportation, the ministry said in a statement ...
The CME Group grain markets rallied to close higher Thursday. The March corn futures settled 12 3/4 cents higher at $6.54. The March soybean contract settled 2 3/4 cents higher at $14.14 1/4. The March wheat futures closed 6 3/4 cents higher at $8.03 1/2. Soybean meal futures ...
The CME Group grain markets closed mostly lower, with the exception of the soybean market Thursday. The March corn futures settled 7 cents lower at $6.50 3/4. The March soybean contract ended 14 cents higher at $13.99 1/2. The March wheat futures closed 10 1/4 cents lower at $8...
Weekend weather in Argentina was as expected...which meant that it was dry and increasingly warm. For Cordoba, highs were largely around the 95 to 96 degree mark for both Saturday and Sunday. It is the state of Cordoba, that normally ranks either number one or number two each ...
Argentina's parched soybean and corn crops got a good soaking early Wednesday, bringing relief to worried farmers and international grain markets that have seen sharply rising prices over the past six weeks amid a drought. Yields have already been affected, but Wednesday's storm ...
Feed The World: Warnings of a global food shortage are cropping up in the news. This should not be happening in 2011. But while our technologies have advanced, our politics are still prehistoric. Our world should be a land of plenty. But we're being told that global food prices ...
The State Reserve held its weekly temporary storage corn auction today, January 18, in a number of provinces around China. Of the 227,897 metric tons (MT) of corn planned for sales, 24,473MT were actually traded. This week's corn auction trade rate is 10.74%, a significant ...
If food commodity buyers think things can not get any worse after US officials gave tight markets a further squeeze, they need to think again. Certainly, the ream of fresh crop estimates that the US Department of Agriculture came out with on Wednesday contained an unexpectedly ...
Corn Corn for grain production is estimated at 12.4 billion bushels, down 1 percent from the November 1 forecast and 5 percent below the record high production of 13.1 billion bushels set in 2009. United States grain yield for 2010 is estimated at 152.8 bushels per acre. This is ...
Corn and soybean futures were higher but wheat and oats took a beating Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade amid concerns about China. Corn was up 1 1/2 to up 6 1/2, soybeans were up 3 1/2 to up 6 1/2, wheat was off 9 1/4 to off 11 and oats were off 1/2 to off 4 1/2. Corn rallied ...
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China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Policies of China's new leadership in the ...
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed on Wednesday that he is ...
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday slammed the remarks of ...
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
The Number One Document also proposed a new pricing plan for China's ...
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary ...
GM China chairman to retire
GM China chairman to retire
CHICAGO, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- General Motors Co. announced Friday that ...
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Sales of General Motors and its Chinese ventures accelerated in ...
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Shenzhen Municipal Intermediate People's Court has rejected a lawsuit ...
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli Sunday called for research in polar ...
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Two models stand beside golf equipment and bags at a recent golf ...
Yao's gift of sport for all
Yao's gift of sport for all
Chinese NBA player Yao Ming teaches a boy with special needs how to ...
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Some 14 countries and regions are expected to compete in the 45th ...