
Lithium batteries charge ahead Two researchers have developed battery cells that can charge up in less time than it takes to read the first two sentences of this article. The work could eventually produce ultra-fast power packs for everything from laptop computers to electric ...
Accelerating an energy transformation in the auto industry CAMBRIDGE, MASS. By 2030, the people of the world will be driving as many as two billion cars up from 700 million today according to John Viera, director of sustainable business strategies for Ford Motor Company. Whether ...
Canadian gov hands over millions for 16 renewable nergyprojects It looks like the U.S. isn't the only North American country planning to pump tens of millions of dollars into developing renewable forms of energy. The Canadian government has announced it will spend $41 million (...
New Light Shed On Marine Luminescence In the animal world, these chemical reactions take place in special luminescent cells called photocytes. These are aggregated into complex light organs, in which the intensity of light is regulated by nerve impulses, and in which light can be ...
Gamma Ray Burst Captured In Early Stages Swift is able to both locate and point at gamma ray bursts (GRBs) far quicker than any other telescope, so by using its Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) the astronomers were able to obtain an ultraviolet spectrum of a GRB just 251 ...
It's not so easy being in a green buiding Designing green buildings sounds like a great idea. But the reality is that energy-efficient buildings often sound downright crummy to the people inside them. Surveys of occupants generally find that buildings meeting the Leadership in ...
A new dawn for solar power? If solar power is ever going to take off and the world needs it to photovoltaic cells will have to become a whole lot cheaper to produce. Making solar cells from silicon, the most common approach, can be expensive and relatively inefficient at turning ...
Fastest Camera Ever Built Uses Lasers Scientists have made the fastest camera ever. It can take 6.1 million pictures in a single second, at a shutter speed of 440 trillionths of a second. Light itself moves just a fraction of a centimeter in that time. The camera works by ...
Two Spacecraft Set to Probe the Early Universe's Mysteries As astronauts on space shuttle Atlantis perform what is likely the final tune-up of the Hubble Space Telescope, a 19-year-old workhorse that has greatly advanced astronomy and the profile of space science, the European ...
Astronauts grab Hubble, prepare for tough repairs Atlantis' astronauts grabbed the Hubble Space Telescope on Wednesday, then quickly set their sights on the difficult, dangerous and unprecedented spacewalking repairs they will attempt over the next five days. Hubble and Atlantis ...
A new optical network to 160 Gbps Oki Electric Industry has developed a system of optical fiber that can reach 160 Gbps . According to the company, this is the first passive optical network symmetrical broadband next-generation system using a hybrid OTDM and OCDM which realizes ...
This Car Is Not the Future We understand that sometimes it takes a radical re-think to shake up the established order, to realize that tried and true ways of doing things are in fact just old and tired. And we know true change requires being free to dream up unconventional ideas. ...
NASA: Nicks on shuttle don't appear to be serious APE CANAVERAL, Fla. The Atlantis astronauts uncovered a 21-inch stretch of nicks on their space shuttle Tuesday, but NASA said the damage did not appear to be serious. The damage was likely the result of debris that came off the ...
How to Build Nanotech Motors Imagine that we could make cars, aircraft and submarines as small as bacteria or molecules. Microscopic robotic surgeons, injected in the body, could locate and neutralize the causes of disease for example, the plaque inside arteries or the protein ...
Do hundreds of black holes dot the Milky Way? Black holes are thought to be common in the universe, with a supermassive gobbler lurking at the core of galaxies such as our own Milky Way. But might they also be found roaming outside the galactic centers? A new study estimates that ...
Nearby asteroid found orbiting sun backwards The discovery of a 2- to 3-kilometre-wide asteroid in an orbit that goes backwards has set astronomers scratching their heads. It comes closer to Earth than any other object in a 'retrograde' orbit, and astronomers think they should ...
Let There Be Blobs: Mystery Object Spotted in the Early Universe Looking deep into the sky and, by extension, far back in time astronomers have spotted a curious space blob that existed when the universe was only 800 million years old, about 6 percent of its present age. Masami ...
Spectacular cosmic bubble '60 light years wide and 70,000 years old' At its centre is a star, known as a Wolf-Rayet star which is 20 times the mass of the sun. When it dies it throws out gas, creating winds which form the bubble. It will eventually explode into a supernova. ...
Carmela Amato-Wierda: So Long, Solar What led to the project: Although many girls spend their teen years obsessed with movie stars or rock bands, Carmela Amato-Wierda had a different love: materials science. Her high school chemistry teacher, Victor Brandalise, at Mount Saint ...
WORLD'S "MOST POWERFUL MAGNET" ISN'T QUITE--BUT IS STILL IMPRESSIVE Discovery News directs our attention to the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University, where researchers are working on the "world's most powerful magnet -- one that won't blow up a ...
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Bill Gates talks nuclear
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed on Wednesday that he is ...
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Policies of China's new leadership in the ...
Merck to put $1.5b in R&D
Merck to put $1.5b in R&D
Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), the world's second-largest drug producer by ...
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary ...
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
The Number One Document also proposed a new pricing plan for China's ...
Chinese investors look to overseas opportunities
Chinese investors look to overseas opportunities
SHANGHAI, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- China, the world's top manufacturer and ...
Retailer's Net Profit Falls 3%
Retailer's Net Profit Falls 3%
A Wal-Mart store is seen in Stratford, Connecticut, the United States. ...
Gaming Firms Find Going Tough
Gaming Firms Find Going Tough
Employees demonstrate Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications' Xperia Play ...
Boeing Wins Biggest Order of US$26b
Boeing Wins Biggest Order of US$26b
A formation of nine Royal Air Force Red Arrows Hawk aircraft fly ...
Yao's gift of sport for all
Yao's gift of sport for all
Chinese NBA player Yao Ming teaches a boy with special needs how to ...
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Two models stand beside golf equipment and bags at a recent golf ...
Li Na wins French Open women's singles title
Li Na wins French Open women's singles title
History-making tennis legend Li Na notched the first-ever grand slam ...