
Alien planet could be ultimate water world A PLANET orbiting a nearby star is the best candidate yet for an alien world made almost entirely of liquid water. The discovery suggest that "super-Earths" are a much more diverse bunch than we suspected. Super-Earths weigh up to 10 ...
Strange Physical Theory Proved After Nearly 40 Years When physicist Vitaly Efimov heard his theory had finally been proven, he ran up to the younger scientist who had verified it and gave him a high five. Efimov had predicted a quantum-mechanical version of Borromean rings, a ...
Customers benefit from Precision Plus 25th anniversary 26 November, 2009 CRAWLEY, UK (26 November 2009) Precision Plus Vacuum Parts, Inc., one of the world s largest providers of vacuum pump replacement parts, is marking its 25th anniversary by offering its customers additional ...
Universal Quantum Mechanism: Physicists Find Reappearing Quantum Trios Using atoms at temperatures colder than deep space, Rice University physicists have delivered overwhelming proof for a once-scoffed-at theory that's become a hotbed for research some 40 years after it first ...
NASA launches infrared telescope to scan entire sky NASA launched a new telescope into space on Monday to scan the cosmos for undiscovered objects, including asteroids and comets that might threaten Earth. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, spacecraft will employ ...
Collider Sets Record, and Europe Takes U.S. s Lead Subatomic particle tracks from colliding protons on Sunday at the Large Hadron Collider. Tiny spitfires of energy blossomed under the countryside outside Geneva late Tuesday night, heralding the arrival of a new European particle ...
Adixen's new ATH 500M Maglev Turbomolecular pump Alcatel VacuumTechnology is proud to introduce the newest hybrid turbomolecular vacuum pump to its maglev product offering; the ATH500M. This pump offers the advanced technology of magnetic bearings for medium sized applications. ...
Plastic bags recycled into nanotubes Waste plastic from "throwaway" carrier bags can be readily converted into carbon nanotubes. The chemist who developed the technique has even used the nanotubes to make lithium-ion batteries. This is called "upcycling" converting a waste ...
Carbon Nanotubes Turn Office Paper into Batteries Plain white office paper could be the basis for efficient batteries. Scientists have converted sheets of them into efficient electrical storage devices using ink loaded with carbon nanotubes. This new spin on an ancient invention ...
Scientists say paper battery could be in the works WASHINGTON (Reuters) Ordinary paper could one day be used as a lightweight battery to power the devices that are now enabling the printed word to be eclipsed by e-mail, e-books and online news. Scientists at Stanford University ...
LHC sets new world record Geneva, 30 November 2009. CERN1 s Large Hadron Collider has today become the world s highest energy particle accelerator, having accelerated its twin beams of protons to an energy of 1.18 TeV in the early hours of the morning. This exceeds the previous ...
Superbright Supernova Is First of Its Kind In this schematic illustration of the material ejected from SN 2007bi, the radioactive nickel core (white) decays to cobalt, emitting gamma rays and positrons that excite surrounding layers (textured yellow) rich in heavy elements like ...
Data from Outer Space Open New Frontiers for Researchers This artist s impression shows the fairing of the Ariane 5 being ejected, with Herschel visible on top of Planck. (Credit: ESA / Image by AOES Medialab) The latest data delivered back to Earth by the Herschel Space ...
Solar Power from Your Windows, Awnings, Even Clothing? An organic photovoltaic cell on glass. The goal for UA scientists is to understand and control the interfaces in these devices at nanometer-length scales (less than 1/100,000 the thickness of a human hair) to enable the ...
Birth of a (Magnetic) Heavyweight By Phil Berardelli ScienceNOW Daily News 16 November 2009 Newborn. Astronomers have spied magnetic activity surrounding a massive young star in the Orion Nebula (inset), a hot spot of such activity in the Milky Way. Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI...
New Nano Color Sorters from Molecular Foundry Looking sharp and looking for light -- Berkeley Lab researchers have engineered a new class of bowtie-shaped devices that capture, filter and steer light at the nanoscale. These "nano-colorsorter" devices act as antennae to focus and ...
First Black Holes May Have Incubated in Giant, Starlike Cocoons An artist's illustration of the view into a black hole. (Credit: April Hobart, NASA, Chandra X-Ray Observatory) The first large black holes in the universe likely formed and grew deep inside gigantic, starlike ...
Solar Winds Triggered by Magnetic Fields XRT Full Sun (Synoptic). (Credit: Images courtesy of JAXA, NAOJ, PPARC and NASA.) Solar wind generated by the sun is probably driven by a process involving powerful magnetic fields, according to a new study led by UCL (University College ...
Ripples in space divide classical and quantum worlds Keeping the quantum and the classic separate WHY can't we be in two places at the same time? The simple answer is that it's because large objects appear not to be subject to the same wacky laws of quantum mechanics that rule ...
'Vampire Star': Ticking Stellar Time Bomb Identified The expanding shell around V445 Puppis. (Credit: Image courtesy of ESO) Using ESO's Very Large Telescope and its ability to obtain images as sharp as if taken from space, astronomers have made the first time-lapse movie of a ...
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Bill Gates talks nuclear
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed on Wednesday that he is ...
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Policies of China's new leadership in the ...
Merck to put $1.5b in R&D
Merck to put $1.5b in R&D
Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), the world's second-largest drug producer by ...
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary ...
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
The Number One Document also proposed a new pricing plan for China's ...
Chinese investors look to overseas opportunities
Chinese investors look to overseas opportunities
SHANGHAI, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- China, the world's top manufacturer and ...
Retailer's Net Profit Falls 3%
Retailer's Net Profit Falls 3%
A Wal-Mart store is seen in Stratford, Connecticut, the United States. ...
Gaming Firms Find Going Tough
Gaming Firms Find Going Tough
Employees demonstrate Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications' Xperia Play ...
Boeing Wins Biggest Order of US$26b
Boeing Wins Biggest Order of US$26b
A formation of nine Royal Air Force Red Arrows Hawk aircraft fly ...
Yao's gift of sport for all
Yao's gift of sport for all
Chinese NBA player Yao Ming teaches a boy with special needs how to ...
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Two models stand beside golf equipment and bags at a recent golf ...
Li Na wins French Open women's singles title
Li Na wins French Open women's singles title
History-making tennis legend Li Na notched the first-ever grand slam ...