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traditional chinese painting

About 17233 results for traditional chinese painting
Serissa japonica (Thunb.)Thunb.whole plant,Liu yue xue,traditional chinese herb Aug,13,2016
Whole plant Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for infantile convulsions Chinese name:Liu yue xue Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Senna occidentalis (L.) Link.seeds,Wang jiang nan,traditional chinese herb Aug,12,2016
Seed Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for habitual constipation, hypertension, headache,indigestion, epifolliculitis, oral mucosa ulcer. Chinese name:wang jiang nan Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don.whole plant. Qian li guang,traditional chinese herb Aug,12,2016
Whole plant Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for fever,jaundiced hepatitis, throat ache, mumps,bleeding, eczema Chinese name:Qian li guang Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Semiaquilegia adoxoides (DC.) Makino. Tian kui,traditional chinese herb Aug,13,2016
Wild Tuber Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for stomachache Chinese name:Tian kui Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Selaginella tamariscina (P. Beauv.) Spring.whole plant. Juan bai,traditional chinese herb Aug,13,2016
Whole plant Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for hemafecia,epistaxis, metrorrhagia, traumatic injury, chronic hepatitis, proctoptosis. Chinese name:Juan bai Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Saurauia tristyla DC.root,fruit, Shui dong ge,bai fan guo,traditional chinese herb Aug,13,2016
Root Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for carbuncle,cough, bronchitis, toothache. Chinese name: shui dong ge,bai fan guo Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Sargentodoxa cuneata (Oliv.) Rehder & E.H. Wilson.Da xue teng,traditional chinese herb Aug,12,2016
Root, Stem Medicinal liquor for treating rheumatic arthritis,traumatic injury, ostealgia. Chinese name: da xue teng Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Sapium discolor(Champ. ex Benth.) Müll. Arg.leaf,Shan wu jiu,traditional chinese herb Aug,13,2016
Leaf Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for traumatic injury, snake bite, constipation, carbuncle Chinese name: shan wu jiu Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Sapindus mukorossi Gaertn. seed,fruits,Wu huan zi,traditional chinese herb Aug,13,2016
Seed Grinding, decoction; Taken orally for tuberculosis,pertussis cough Chinese name: wu huan zi Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
Sanguisorba officinalis L. root,traditional chinese herb Aug,12,2016
Wild Root Grinding the fresh part, decoction; Taken orally for diarrhea Chinese name: di yu Herbs used in part areas of China for years Collected recently Best prices for new customers Dried well Soon delivery Small quantity available
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