Zhenhua Heavy Industry signs RMB 1.15 bln contracts
Alameda [2011-05-20]
Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co. Ltd. (Zhenhua, 600320.SH) has concluded two major deals worth a combined RMB 1.15 billion.
Zhenhua has signed a contract with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company to buy a 3,800-ton heavy-lift pipelaying vessel for $110 million (RMB 750 million). The vessel is to be delivered in July 2012.
Another deal, valued at RMB 400 million, is signed between Zhenhua and CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co. Ltd, said the company.
Conference Notice: China ChemNet and Guangdong Oil &Gas Association will hold the 3rd Methanol-DME/LPG conference in Shanghai (details refered to: http://news.chemnet.com/list/zt/industry/erjiamiyingwen/index.html) on June 23-25. It will concentrate on the new way out for DME by entering gas community, methanol development direction on clean energy and the integration and mixture of LPG resource. welcome your attendance. Contact:0086-531-62311804 Brenda