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HK's entertainment business looking up: survey

HK's entertainment business looking up: survey

Write: Waine [2011-05-20]

HONG KONG: Prospects for Hong Kong's film and entertainment industry were bright, according to an industry survey released Thursday by Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (FILMART), with Chinese mainland viewed as the highest potential market.

According to the survey of exhibitors and buyers attending this year's FILMART, 65 percent of the respondents said that overall business for the next 12 months would be "very good" or "quite good", up 22 percent from last year, with 75 percent seeing particular potential in digital entertainment.

In view of the rising popularity of 3D films, 80 percent said the growth prospect would be good in the coming 12 month, 60 percent suggested that 3D technology would offer more business opportunities over the next three years.

Moreover, Chinese mainland was named as the market demonstrating the highest growth potential in the industry. 75 percent of market players whose major market was Chinese mainland expected an increase in business volume in the coming year, while the figure in Europe was only 29 percent.

Over 500 exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions have joined this year's FILMART during March 22 to 25, which features over 250 film screenings and 60 seminars and networking sessions. The survey conducted during the event interviewed 336 industry players from around the world.