China's import prices rose $2/mt to $197/mt CFR North China, while Indian import prices jumped $3/mt to $211/mt CFR on higher freight. Platts currently considers its standard specification to have a discount of around $15/mt compared to low vol high CSR brands.
An Australian producer saw clear improvements in the market recently.
"We have been through the summer doldrums, and sentiment is such that producers will raise their offers," he said.
He added that Australian low vol, high CSR HCC was sellable in China at $220/mt CFR "for the right buyer."
Interest was not so strong from India, he said.
Two Indian steelmakers confirmed they were currently comfortable with contract tonnage, and would wait until after Q4 contract negotiations to review procurement. Q4 2010 contract talks are due to be finalized in the next two weeks.
Also heard in the market was an offer into India at $245/mt CFR for low vol high CSR HCC from a large Australian producer, and an offer at $210/mt FOB for high fluidity, high dilatation, low CSR hard coking from another major producer.
China Chemical Weekly: