Invisible and efficient this is how the new antibacterial foam gasket from RAMPF protects against mildew, yeasts, bacteria and legionella. The thixotropic material made of polyurethane with the brand name RAKU-PUR 32-3276 shows a very compact, hydrophobic integral skin. That is why the system is perfect for the foaming of complex three-dimensional components with convex or concave structure. Thanks to the thixotropy the dimension of the foam bead remains constant also for slopes and inclinations. Alongside its inertness, other excellent properties of the material are its high tear strength, low water absorption, minimal waiting period until assembly and its optimum adhesion on different surfaces whether painted or powder coated. Furthermore the product meets the hygiene requiremen ts for air conditioning systems according to the standard VDI 6022 and has been acknowledged by the Institute of Air Hygiene as microbially inert. The material is therefore predestined for use in public buildings such as hospitals or in dust-free rooms and wet areas, where microbes are absolutely taboo.
Concept machinery and material from one single source saves money
A company which uses the latest technology of RAMPF first is the company Koolair. The leading air conditioning specialist from Spain insists for all applications connected to the field of air distribution like air grilles, diffusers and dampers on the use of the antibacterial polyurethane foam gasket RAKU-PUR 32-3276. The foam is applied by a low-pressure mixing and dispensing system from the affiliated company RAMPF Dosiertechnik. According to information from Koolair the company is able to achieve consistent savings up to 40 percent using RAMPF technologies. As the air conditioning technology provided by the Spanish specialist is in global demand the two-part polyurethane system is not only installed in hospitals or private homes but also in the spectacular new Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland, or in extravagant hotel buildings such as the Puerta de America in Madrid.
China Chemical Weekly: