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China: Sinopec raises inner settlement prices of gasoil by Yuan 150/mt

China: Sinopec raises inner settlement prices of gasoil by Yuan 150/mt

Write: Tainn [2011-05-20]
p>Sinopec evaluated inner settlement prices of gasoil between regional marketing companies and provincial sales branches by Yuan 150/mt, effective from Oct 1, according to a source with the oil giant.

The refiner may continue to boost gasoil wholesale prices, which kept rising in the domestic market since September on supply tightness and lofty international crude prices, market sources denoted.

After the increases, wholesale prices of gasoil from provincial sales branches of Sinopec were still Yuan 150-450/mt higher than inner settlement prices.

Sinopec last adjusted inner settlement prices of oil products on Jun 1, cutting Yuan 270/mt for gasoline and Yuan 260/mt for gasoil, following the government's cut in retail ceiling prices.

China Chemical Weekly: http://news.chemnet.com/en/detail-1411716.html