Asia:USDA revises up India's soybean output estimation
Kenya [2011-05-20]
US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has revised up India s soybean output estimation by 5% for 2010-11 to 9.2 million tons from its last month projection.
Area is forecast at 9.5 million hectares, up 0.5 million or 6 percent from last month, but down 0.1 million or 1 percent from last year. The yield is forecast at 0.97 tons per hectare, down 1 percent from last month, but up 6 percent from last year.
The 2010 monsoon rainfall for the country as whole was 4 percent above normal with central India (the major soybean region) receiving 6 percent above normal for the period between June and September. The majority of soybean growing areas of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra received adequate to excess rainfall.
End-of-September sowing progress reports indicate sown area at approximately 9.3 million hectares compared to 9.5 for the corresponding period last year. Increased plantings and excellent crop conditions are reported in Maharashtra and Karnataka. In general, the crop is at advanced podding to harvesting stages and market arrivals are expected to pick up in mid- October.