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Asia:Total discovers 10 million cubic feet gas in Brunei

Asia:Total discovers 10 million cubic feet gas in Brunei

Write: Siddartha [2011-05-20]
A new offshore gas discovery in Brunei produced 10 million cubic feet during initial testing, French energy company Total announced.

Total announced its Brunei affiliate Total E&P Borneo made a "significant" natural gas find off the coast of the tiny Southeast Asian country.

The discovery is in 213 feet of water about 30 miles from the coast. The French energy company said it produced 10 million cubic feet of natural gas and 220 barrels of condensate per day during the initial testing of the well.

Total serves as the operator of the Maharaja Lela / Jamalulalam field off the coast of Brunei. The company said average gas and condensate production was around 28,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2009.

Gas from the field is delivered to a liquefied natural gas facility in Brunei.