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China's high-tech exports suffer rising trade friction (3)

China's high-tech exports suffer rising trade friction (3)

Write: Arabella [2011-05-20]
However, the best way for China to avoid trade friction, experts say, is economic rebalancing and a shift from an export-oriented economy to a domestic consumption-driven economic model.
"More than 90 percent of our products are for overseas markets. If domestic consumption of solar photovoltaic panels and modules increases, the risks of trade friction may reduce sharply," Suntech's Zhang Jianmin said.
The country vowed to expand domestic demand and seek a new phase of economic growth boosted by consumption, investment and exports, according to the proposal for formulating the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on China's economic and social development.
A long-term mechanism will be built to boost consumption demand. Consumption will then be highlighted in expanding domestic demand to release urban and rural consumption potential and allow China to ascend to the top-ranking markets in the world, the document said.
"Our products will be a hit in areas like the Tibet Autonomous Region, which boasts significant amounts of sunshine. With people's rising awareness about environmental protection, more and more consumers will choose greener products," Zhang Jianmin said.
In addition, the government should formulate long-term and scientific plans for the development of emerging industries and raise the threshold for entry into these industries to avoid overcapacity, Zhang Junsheng said.
"Even some emerging industries have shown signs of overcapacity. And this is a problem we must address, especially when the domestic market has not been fully tapped. Otherwise, it will give rise to increasing trade disputes," he said.