Asia:Lower global wheat output not to affect domestic availability
Hilzarie [2011-05-20]
Lower global production of wheat in 2010-11 will not affect domestic availability of wheat, according to Prof K V Thomas, India Minister of State for Agriculture. International Grains Council, in its Grain Market Report dated 28.10.2010, has projected global wheat production during 2010-11 at 643.9 million tonne, as compared to estimated production of 677.2 million tonne during 2009-10.
As per the fourth advance estimates of production of foodgrains for 2009-10, released by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, estimated wheat production in the country during 2009-10 (Rabi Marketing Season 2010-11) is 80.71 million tonne. With this level of production, together with the opening balance of 16.12 million tonne of wheat in the Central pool, as on 1.4.2010, availability of wheat in the country is more than the estimated requirements. Therefore lower global production of wheat is not likely to affect domestic availability of wheat, the Minister informed Lok Sabha on Tuesday.
At present there is no proposal under consideration of the Government to ban the import of wheat by private mills, Prof K V Thomas said.