Following Haitang and Matsa, typhoon Talim will effect Shaoxing from today. The Municipal Headquarter on flood control convened citywide working conference on controling No. 13 typoon and deployed related works yesterday afernoon. Wang Yongchang, Party Secretary of Shaoxing, and Zhang Jinru, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Shaoxing, made important instructions, calling for all Counties (Cities), and relative departments to keep a close watch on the trend of No. 13 typhoon Talim, tangibly do well in reservoirs' safety, and gurantee the safety of the lives and property of the people.
According to preliminary analysis, rain precipitation will be the main effect of typhoon Talim on Shaoxing, but due to various weather changes in September, at the present time, the Municipal Meteorological Bureau is further observing every movernment of Talim.
It's estimated by the meteorolgical department that the typhoon center would move toward west-northwest at the speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, and cross over Taiwan early tomorrow, and land along the coast of Fujian tomorrow afternoon or evening. As a result of typhoon Talim, Shaoxing will have a obvious process of rain and wind from today.
It's predicted taht Shaoxing would have a widespread rainfall of 30-50 millimeters, part south mountain areas will be 50-100 millmeters, and one or two areas will exceed 100 millmeters. In the meantime, it will appear five to six grade wind toward east and seven to eight grade gust.