According to Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Jiaxing Municipality, the contracted utilized foreign capital (CUFC) in Jiaxing from January to October reached $1.568 billion, accounting for 71% of the set goal, dropping 9.76% compared with the same period of last year. The total contracted utilized foreign capital in October was $0.209 billion, with a link relative ratio of 29.9%, the top among the last ten months except for June in which the CUFC grew sharply.
However, the actual utilized foreign capital(AUFC), from January to October, reached $0.936 billion, accounting for 68% of the set goal, dropping 23.55% compared with the same period of last year. Statistics shows the growth of AUFC in Jiaxing has been negative increment for eight months in succession, but has rose from dropping of 28% or so in July, August and September, with obvious reduction in declining. The total AUFC in October was $0.114 billion, the third among the last ten months of this year.
Statistics shows that the CUFC in Jiaxing mainly comes from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the free port, with total CUFC of $ 1.26 billion, accounting for 80.5% of the total of Jiaxing s CUFC. The CUFC from Korea dropped in October to the fourth in rank, after the sharp growth in August. The CUFC from the USA is still in the doldrums, while FCUC from European Union is taking a turn, with $9.23 million of CUFC, after reduction of capital on large scale.