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PKU to Support UChicago's New Center in Beijing

PKU to Support UChicago's New Center in Beijing

Write: Renfrew [2011-05-20]

Peking University, Beijing, Apr. 29, 2010: Prof. Robert Zimmer, President of the University of Chicago, visited Peking University on the afternoon of Apr. 26, and met with President Zhou Qifeng in the Office Building.

PKU to Support UChicago's New Center in Beijing

Peking University was one of the destinations of President Zimmer s second visit to China. Remembering his first visit to PKU in 2008, President Zimmer spoke highly of the research environment on campus. In response, President Zhou traced back the solid historical connection between the two universities: Prof. Zhou Peiyuan, Ex-President of Peking University, Prof. Justin Lin Yifu, Vice President of the World Bank and Former Director of CCER, are among outstanding alumni of the University of Chicago, and there are still more than 400 alumni working and living in Beijing at present.

President Zimmer introduced President Zhou to the preparation for the University of Chicago Center in Beijing. The center is to be launched this September, aiming at promoting researching and communication in the field of China studies. The establishment of the new center is a brand new program for the university. President Zimmer hoped that it would further enhance the relationship between the two universities.

President Zhou said that PKU would render as much help throughout the preparing process, and would further facilitate students with overseas study experiences by the "Education abroad program." While more than 2 000 PKU students join overseas exchange programs annually, most are at their own expense. President Zhou proposed that top universities, including UChicago, could offer more financial support.

Besides, President Zhou Qifeng introduced President Zimmer to details about departments of PKU and life of foreign students on campus. He pointed out in the discussion that both the University of Chicago and Peking University have advantage in humanities, and both need to strengthen the construction of disciplines such as engineering and medical science in order to meet the need of world-level comprehensive universities.

Dr. Li Yansong, Assistant President of Peking University and Director of Office of International Relations, also joined the meeting.

About UChicago: The University of Chicago is a private co-educational university in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It was founded by oil magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller and incorporated on Oct.1, 1890. The University of Chicago holds an important position in American education history in its macro concept of education and spirit of experiment. Schools of Anthropology, Astronomy, Theology, etc.are among the best in the US. UChicago is world-famous for its relevant studies on Economics and Sociology where the Chicago School has generated.

Extended Reading :

Prof. He Chuan Won the Early Career Award of the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

University of Chicago to Open New Center in Beijing, Building on Legacy of Collaboration

Translated by: ZHAO Ning

Edited by: Jacques

Source: PKU News (Chinese)