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CFHI Held 2009 Labor Union Working Conference

CFHI Held 2009 Labor Union Working Conference

Write: Szesce [2011-05-20]

March 6th 9 am, CFHI held 2009 labor union working conference at meeting center. Party committee secretary Mr. Zhao Lixin made a speech in the meeting, proposed three points of requirement on developing labor union work in year 2009, union chairman Mr. Liu Dengyun gave union working report.

After Mr. Zhao Lixin gave full affirmation on union work in 2008, he raised three points of requirement. First, treats the activity of thoroughly learn and carry out scientific outlook on development as an important task and do it well. Second, enhances the guide of labor union work, promotes further CFHI labor union work to a higher step. Third, labor union work should circumfuse the center, service the public, innovation and factualism, play a role as grand school , and make new contributions for the reform and development of enterprise.

CFHI commission for disciplinary inspection secretary, union chairman Mr. Liu Dengyun made the working report on the topic of Face to the severe challenge, Innovate Labor Union Work, Realize Scientific Development, Contribute to Realize CFHI Annual Development Target. His report summarized briefly from five aspects on the CFHI labor union teams construction work in 2008; democratic management, factory affairs open work mass production, economic technology innovation engineering; staff life and women staff and workers; culture and gym work. And he raised guide concept for union work, general target and important work in 2009.

During meeting, vice-chairman of CFHI union Mr. Wang Ruimin announced Decision on Nominating Model Home of the Staffs, Excellent Chairman of Union in 2008, Decision on Commendation for Women Advance Union, Advanced Individual in Year 2008 and Decision on Learning type group (pace-setter), knowledge type staff (pace-setter) in Year 2008.