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China First Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Analyzes the Economic Operation Effective Control Cost

China First Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. Analyzes the Economic Operation Effective Control Cost

Write: Ruby [2011-05-20]

In order to summarize production and management state on the first quarter and control expense disbursement effectively, recently, China First Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. held the first quarter economic operation analysis meeting which summarized production value, yield, the business income, the gross profit, produced business cost, period expense as well as target completion of annual energy saving and improving efficiency.

Meanwhile, budget examine target of subordinate units and unit cost occurrence condition are carefully analyzed. Requirements and measures for guarantee limited company s annual economic are promoted during the meeting.

Mr. Jiang Jinshui, the president of China First Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., finally emphasized, each unit and department of China First Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. should guide by scientific outlook on development, unify thoughts, work in concert and carry out each work with strong responsibility for guarantee each target successfully finished.