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Study and Practice the Scientific Outlook on Development

Study and Practice the Scientific Outlook on Development

Write: Colby [2011-05-20]

In August 27th, responsible personnel of CFHI director group, its office and inspection group of Thoroughly Applying and Studying the Scientific Outlook on Development ( the Studying for short) participated the summation meeting of Studying among the central enterprises. Representatives from Shenhua Group and other five central enterprises have briefly introduced their experience of the Studying. Li Rongrong, Chief of the Studying Group and Director of the State Asset Administration and Supervision Committee delivered his speech in the meeting.

Steered by the inspection group of the Studying, members of the CFHI party committee have carried out the Studying activity systematically from March to August 2009. They have strictly followed the general requirements of the Studying and closely incorporated theories with CFHI s actual practice. The theme of this activity is To achieve our goals by scientific development.

The public evaluation shows that the people are satisfied with the result of the Studying in CFHI.

In August 28th, Zhao Lixin, the director of CFHI party committee and the chief of the CFHI Studying Group, went to Beijing to participate the summation and mobilization meeting of the Studying among central enterprises.

In August 31st, CFHI held the meeting of directors of Party organizations and chiefs of the Studying Groups.