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CFHI Marketing Work being Busy

CFHI Marketing Work being Busy

Write: Caton [2011-05-20]

Recently CFHI marketing management department held Subsidiary and Business Department Marketing Work Meeting and the First Workers Congress for summarizing and arranging work of this year. Fu Qun-Vice President of CFHI attended this meeting and raised the detailed requirements aiming at CFHI marketing work of this year.

Fu Qun firstly communicate the spirit of the First Meeting of the Second Workers Congress, then analyzed the advantages and opportunities of marketing work in the year of 2010 around the national industrial policy, three-production base construction and listing, etc, and pointed out the pressure faced in this year aiming at order demands by some business departments as well as raised expectation and requirements for marketing work.

Fu Qun also seriously answered to the questions of marketing work of this year raised by persons in charge of each unit, and raised the detailed requirements on strengthening order and refunds within each unit authorized scope.

Zu Yuming- Assistant of President and Director of Marketing Management Department raised the general requirements and work emphasis of marketing work of this year and signed the target duty certificate with partial ordering division departments. He also mad a serious arrangement aiming at CFHI marketing index and authorized marketing work in 2010. Li Shixue-General Secretary of Party Committee of Marketing Management Department raised three requirements on implementing meeting spirit.