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China Steel Group Sent a Message of Greeting to CFHI

China Steel Group Sent a Message of Greeting to CFHI

Write: Chantel [2011-05-20]

Chairman board of China Steel Group Chen Zehao and general manager Chen Kunmu sent message of congratulation on listing of CFHI. Meanwhile wish CFHI will have splendid achievement in the New Year.

China Steel Global Trading Corporation (China Steel Group)

31 F., No. 8 Ming-Chuan 2nd Road, Kanghsjung 806 Taiwan

Telephone: 866-7-3322168

Fax: 886-7-3356412

Fax #: 86-452-6810111


Attn: Chairman board Wu Shengfu

Date: Feb 08, 2010

Message of Greeting

Wu Shengfu, chairman board of CFHI,

We are delighted to hear that the stock of CFHI was successfully listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange, and this attracted great attention of people in the industries, this is a great joyous event in the field of Chinese heavy industry, on behalf of China Global Steel Trading Corporation, we extend our best congratulations to CFHI!

CFHI is an important state owned enterprise, it ranks the leading position in heavy industry, it is heavy assembly enterprise which has strong capacity to earn profit and with high manufacturing level. The successful listing on stock market is not only promoting the reputation and comprehensive strength, but also will bring the brand of CFHI to far reaching international market.

CFHI is the strategic partner of China Steel Global Trading Corporation, it is the equipment supplier in priority of our mainland purchasing, and we believe that on the present basis of CFHI and China Steel Global Trading Corporation, we will continually seek for new cooperative projects.

Finally, we wish CFHI will win splendid achievement!

General manager Chen Kuimu Chairman of board Chen Zehao