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Cantonese Opera Raising Eyebrows at SYSU

Cantonese Opera Raising Eyebrows at SYSU

Write: Zama [2011-05-20]

Cantonese Opera Raising Eyebrows at SYSU

A Cantonese Opera, full of aura of tradition and charm of Lingnan culture, was held at Liang Qiuju Hall, bringing a feast of Lingnan culture to the teachers and students. The School High Art Culture of Cantonese Opera Activity was sponsored by the Department of Culture of Guangdong Province, organized by Sun Yat-sen University, and the Cantonese Opera Institute, and co-organized by the Guangdong Opera Prosperity Foundation.
Cantonese Opera Raising Eyebrows at SYSU
The veteran cadre of the opera actors from the Cantonese Opera Institute presented five classic episodes of the traditional Cantonese Opera highlights Zhong Kui Shang Lu , Di Nvhua Xiang Yao , Tou Jiang , Huo Zhuo Zhang Sanlang , Da Nao Shizi Lou , featuring four traditional opera characters Sheng, Dan, Jing, Chou, and including the civil and martial episodes and the techniques of Chang Nian Zuo Da . The episode Tou Jiang performed by the first-rate actor Zeng Xiaomin conveyed sensitive emotions and variegated facial expressions. With the episode unfolding, the actor threw up the two-meter long water sleeves to express the character s anger, presenting the performing technique of throwing up sleeves to the audience. In the episode of Da Nao Shizilou , Wu Song fought with Xi Menqing, standing up on the four legs of the upside-down desk, and sometimes cross-legged on them, wining the applause from the audience with his stunts.
In the middle session of the opera evening, members of SYSU Lingnan Opera Association threw up water sleeves and playing the martial arts on the stage, sparking bursts of applause from the audience.
