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Syria : Voluntary cotton report 2006-07

Syria : Voluntary cotton report 2006-07

Write: Piyush [2011-05-20]
Syria's 2006/2007 cotton crop is below expectations due to lower planted area, high temperatures
during summer, and floods during the harvesting season. Production is estimated at about 225,000 tons. With domestic use for yarn spinning estimated at 150,000 tons, about 75,000 tons of cotton is forecast to be exported.
Cotton production is controlled to a great extent by the Cotton Bureau of the Syrian Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform. The Cotton Bureau sets the total planted area and encourages early planting and harvesting of seed cotton. When irrigation water is not a constraint, farmers exceed the licensed areas and the crop exceeds one million tons of seed cotton.
The 2006/2007 crop, estimated at 650,000 tons of seed cotton, is 28 percent below the production plan set by the Cotton Bureau. Cotton lint production is forecast at 225,000 tons of cotton fiber. About 150,000 tons of fiber is used locally for yarn production. The balance of the crop, 75,000 tons, is to be exported.
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Syria does not import any cotton. The CMO exports any cotton in excess of domestic needs. Cotton lint exports once rank third after petroleum and sheep. Cotton lint exports from the 2006/2007 crop are forecast to be close to one third of the usual export volume due to the relatively small cotton crop in 2006/2007.
Egypt will probably continue to be the most important market for Syrian cotton lint due to the barter trade agreements between both countries. Turkey, Europe, and China will be the other major markets for Syrian cotton lint.
Due to the small exportable surplus of cotton lint in 2006/2007, ending stock levels are forecast to be much lower than previous years.