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Belgium : EU-US trade ties high on German presidency agenda

Belgium : EU-US trade ties high on German presidency agenda

Write: Howie [2011-05-20]
German chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to push for closer economic co-operation between the EU and the US, in proposals reminiscent of ideas for a future transatlantic marketplace.
The German leader told the Financial Times on Wednesday (3 January) that she will use her country's presidency of the EU taken up on Monday to promote the plan.
"At the forthcoming EU-US summit we want to talk about ever-closer economic co-operation. Our economic systems are based on the same values," she said ahead of a meeting with US president George W. Bush scheduled on Thursday.
Ms Merkel indicated that closer ties with Washington should be forged through regulatory co-ordination in concrete areas such as patents and financial markets.
"For example, it causes unnecessary friction for patent rules in the US to be structured differently from those in the EU," she said.
"We must watch out that we do not drift apart, but instead come closer together, where there are clear advantages for both sides."
The German leader argued that closer ties between Brussels and Washington are necessary in the face of growing competition from Asia and Latin America - but she added that "this partnership is not directed against anyone."