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Win-Win Devt In Textile Industry

Win-Win Devt In Textile Industry

Write: Ransom [2011-05-20]

In the new round supporting work, Zhejiang Province and Aksu Prefecture both put great efforts in the textile industry, aiming to realize further development.

Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province is one of industrial bases nationwide with largest textile production capacity. It has nearly 10,000 textile enterprises, with an annual textiles export value of around six billion Yuan. While, Aksu's cotton output takes one ninth of the total in China. The two sides are complementary in developing textile industry.

Wang Bozhon,Official of Shaoxing Development & Reform Commision ,Zhejiang Province

We will help Aksu upgrade the market service and promote the industrial advantage through practical measures.

Relying on the quality cotton resource, Aksu Prefecture wants to build a textile industrial city with an annual production volume of 10 million spindles. Taking this opportunity, batches of Zhejiang textile enterprises came to start business in Aksu, such as Younger Textile Group and Juying Cotton Co.,Ltd..

Chen Miner,Exectutive Vice Governer of Zhejiang Province

"The aiding work must follow the strategies of both sides in line with the local conditions. It is good for the resource allocation and enterprises' costs reduction."