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DSF Refractories wins several Asian glass contracts & ups capacity

DSF Refractories wins several Asian glass contracts & ups capacity

Write: Denley [2011-05-20]

Apr. 6, 2010 - Demand for refractory products has increased in the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, as well as the Far East, according to UK refractories producer DSF Refractories & Minerals Ltd.
"Whilst business in the EU and North America remains difficult, several large orders have been won by DSF for container glass projects in other parts of the world.
"We have mullite orders for projects in Russia (Vedapak) and India (HNG), each of these based on the success of DSF mullite materials replacing basic refractories in the regenerator construction. We also have a large order from Asia Brewery in the Philippines for melter bottom materials manufactured in our Tianjin (China) factory, with mullite and zircon refractory being supplied from our UK plant."
In addition, forehearth superstructure materials have been ordered by Samkwang in Korea.
Sales from DSF Tianjin continue to grow with supply of melter bottom blocks and cast forehearth shapes within China and for export to other parts of Asia and we are installing more casting and grinding equipment to further increase our capacity.
"We are seeing an increase in demand from BRIC countries and the Far East, and have positioned ourselves to be able to react quickly to short lead times and emergency requirements."