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First Bauxite Updates Status of Bonasika Feasibility Study

First Bauxite Updates Status of Bonasika Feasibility Study

Write: Eaton [2011-05-20]

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Apr 12, 2010 - First Bauxite Corporation had previously announced that "a draft of the Feasibility Study is on schedule to be available for a review by the Board of Directors in the first quarter, 2010". The Company is pleased to announce that, while Met-Chem was on track to issue a draft of the FS to the Company within the announced time frame, FBX decided to retain G Mining of Montreal, headed by the most experienced Mine builder in the Guiana Shield, Dr. Louis Gignac, to undertake an independent, comprehensive review of the FS, on behalf of the FBX Board of Directors. It is expected that this review will be completed in time for Met-Chem to issue its draft FS Report in this Second Quarter of 2010.
First Bauxite is also pleased to present the very positive results of an industrial scale trial performed at Radenthein, Austria, for the sintering of briquettes made from pre-processed and fine-ground bauxite from the Bonasika deposits. The aim of the trial was to verify and secure a wide variety of laboratory trials which have been made by Polysius GMBH, a subsidiary of Thyssen Krupp GMBH, to elaborate the optimum process for the grinding, agglomeration and sintering of Bonasika pre-processed bauxite.
Feasibility Study Bonasika Project Update
Met-Chem is essentially complete with the technical and engineering aspects of the Feasibility Study and current activities include finalizing equipment quotes and integrating the work of the various other consulting groups who are contributing to the FS. In particular Polysius GMBH, who undertook the engineering design and cost estimates for the briquetting and sinter plants, have recently transferred responsibility for the Bonasika Project to Polysius USA, their subsidiary based in Georgia, USA. This is an important step in the evolution of the Bonasika Project since sourcing and pricing components of the Polysius core as well all or most non-core ancillary equipment from the USA is important from both the stand point of optimizing capital cost as well as after sales spares and technical support, from the USA mainland with its excellent umbilical support for industries in Guyana.
On another strong positive step for the project, Polysius, using a production vertical pressurized shaft kiln in Austria, successfully produced a high quality greater than 3.4 BSG sintered bauxite bulk sample from briquetted FBX bauxite. This was the final stage of the flow sheet testing and the industrially produced sintered bauxite is now being distributed to selected potential customers for qualifying tests in their refractory manufacturing facilities. This was timely as the availability of the sintered bauxite samples for manufacturing qualification coincided with a peaking interest in the FBX product which was evident at the recently concluded 20th Bauxite & Alumina Seminar recently held in Miami, where Hilbert N. Shields presented a paper on the Bonasika Project and highlighted the imminent arrival in the market place of a new, non-Chinese source of high quality sintered refractory bauxite into the global market place. A copy of Mr. Shields' presentation can be downloaded at our corporate web page, www.firstbauxite.com.
Dr. Christoph Beyer, Senior Manager from Polysius, reported in his final report from this industrial scale trial, that he is very confident that the briquettes from the process described in the report are very well suitable for a full-scale-production of refractory grade sintered bauxite with an homogeneous and high bulk specific density greater than 3.35 g/cm3. Based on the industrial scale trial, the chemical composition of the sintered refractory grade bauxite is indicated in the following table:

% % % %
BSD (g/cm3) SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3
greater than 3.35, typical greater than 3.4 5.02 91.43 1.64 1.71
The CEO of the Company, Hilbert N Shields, commented that, "While the slight delay on the stated schedule for delivery of the Feasibility Study may be viewed by some as a negative, FBX has taken the decision to have this independent review done by Dr. Louis Gignac and his team at G Mining, in parallel rather than after Met-Chem's finalization of the report. This was done to ensure that the most experienced mine builder in the Guiana Shield can bring to the table, in a meaningful way, the wisdom of his experience in both the technical and financial engineering that it takes to optimize and ultimately build a successful project. I am sure our committed shareholders will see this as a strong positive as management continues the march towards the next step in the development of the Bonasika Mine."