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"Shaping the Future of Excipients" - IPEC Europe Annual Seminar

"Shaping the Future of Excipients" - IPEC Europe Annual Seminar

Write: Dale [2011-05-20]

"Shaping the Future of Excipients" - IPEC Europe Annual Seminar

27 January 2011, Cannes (Fr)

The premier European forum on the science and regulation of pharmaceutical excipients - the IPEC Europe Annual Seminar - will be held on 27 January 2011, in Cannes, France.

A packed presentation programme will cover some of the most topical and pressing issues affecting users and manufacturers of excipients, including:

supply chain secruity and falsified medicines;

excipient certification and the Excipact initiative;

Quality-by-Design (QbD);

excipient market trends; and much more.

For the first time, the event will also include a showcase of the best in excipient research and development.The forum "Come and Share your Excipients Innovation" will feature carefully selected posters on excipient science to run alongside and complement the high-level presentations in the Seminar programme.

As usual a Gala Dinner will take place on the 27 January at a nice venue. Perfect occasion for further discussion and networking!

Please fill out the registration form and send it to the IPEC Europe secretariat by 31 December at the latest.

The Seminar will take place at the Gray d'Albion Hotel, Cannes (Fr) .

Hotel Booking Form: to be sent back to the Gray d'Albion Hotel by 26 November.