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GlaxoSmithKline Slashes Price of NHS Parkinson's Drug

GlaxoSmithKline Slashes Price of NHS Parkinson's Drug

Write: Cosima [2011-05-20]
GlaxoSmithKline has announced that it will reduce the price of ReQuip XL (ropinirole prolonged release) by 60% as part of a commitment to deliver cheaper medicines to the NHS.
The NHS has rejected drugs proven drugs with limited application in the past due to concerns over high costs.
ReQuip XL will now cost less than other dopamine agonists, and could deliver a cost-saving to the NHS of up to 15 million in 2011.
The agreement falls under the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme agreement between the UK government and the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr Mark Toms, GlaxoSmithKline UK Pharmaceuticals Medical Director, Neurology, Immunology & Hepatitis, said that people with Parkinson's deserve access to once-daily dopamine agonists, but [GlaxoSmithKline] recognises that increasing cost pressures may restrict access to these medicines.
SOURCE: pharmaceutical-technology