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Express service provider bucks trend to enhance Hong Kong hub capacity

Express service provider bucks trend to enhance Hong Kong hub capacity

Write: Amaranth [2011-05-20]
Global express service provider TNT on Friday announced the selection of Hong Kong as its fourth hub in Asia and the launching of a dedicated Boeing 747 freighter to enhance its Asia to Europe capacity.
The 110-ton Boeing 747-400 extended range freighter will fly directly between Hong Kong and the company's European hub in Liege, Belgium, making the company "more competitive" to customers in southern China and Southeast Asia, said James McCormac, regional managing director of TNT Asia Pacific.
The company chose Hong Kong for the available expertise and infrastructure in the free trade hub and its unique advantage as a regional center near the southern China and the Southeast Asia markets, said Edward Lau, managing director for Hong Kong.
Headquartered in the Netherlands, TNT provides express services in over 200 countries and regions worldwide.