Spain: Vegetable prices fall drastically
Nellwyn [2011-05-20]
Agricultural Organization COAG Almer alerts the sector of the precipitous drop in prices that crops like courgette, tomato Daniela, aubergine or cucumber Almer have suffered in the last two weeks. The good weather has led to "a production peak", although we must remember the responsibility of all parties in the chain so that prices do not reach the derisory minimums that they have reached in recent days.
For the Agricultural Organization it is unacceptable that products such as courgette and tomato Daniela are being sold even below 0.15 , prices that do not cover even production costs of the farmer who is forced to an extreme situation.
The courgette is the most harmed crop with a fall of 51.6%; followed by the tomato Daniela with a drop in the price of 37.29%, eggplant with 34.1% and cucumber Almer with 32.57%.
As a priority need, COAG reminds the administration of the need for a realignment of prices through a trade law with legal support that favors the stability of the agricultural income of farmers. "We are a sector where every day you wake up with the uncertainty of not knowing how much you will get paid for your production and this cannot continue. The farmer has the same right as any other employer to know how much he is going to be paid and, of course, prices that, at least, cover the production costs", they said.