China Publishes Manual on Tibet
Valter [2011-05-20]
A manual introducing basic information about Tibet was published in Beijing Tuesday to mark the 60th anniversary of the region's peaceful liberation this year.
The manual was written by experts from the State Council Information Office and published by the People's Publishing House.
It includes Tibetan issues most talked about, said a statement from the State Council Information Office.
It is made up of ten parts, including a general introduction, history, political status, human rights, regional autonomy of ethnic minorities, economic and social development, religion, progress in cultural, education and medical services, environmental protection as well as information about the Dalai Lama.
The manual explained the central government's Tibetan policies, the history of the "Tibet issue" and the nature of the 14th Dalai Lama and his followers, the statement said.
"It will be the easiest and most practical handbook for readers to get a basic picture of Tibet," the statement said.