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Sinopec achieves rapid growth in revenue in first half

Sinopec achieves rapid growth in revenue in first half

Write: Ita [2011-09-01]
Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited announced the unaudited operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards for the six months ended June 30, 2011.
According to IFRS, turnover of the Group for the Period amounted to RMB49,500.8 million, representing an increase of 37.01% over the previous year. Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company amounted to RMB1,425.7 million (2010 interim: RMB1,513.7 million). Basic earnings per share was RMB0.198 (2010 interim: RMB0.210). The board of directors of the Company does not recommend a payment of any interim dividend for 2011 (2010 interim: Nil).
Mr. Rong Guangdao, Chairman of Shanghai Petrochemical, said, "In the first half of 2011, the Chinese economy continued to maintain stable and relatively fast growth, while China's petrochemical industry continued to maintain a healthy and steady operation. However, international crude oil prices surged significantly and stayed at high levels, and the profitability of the oil refining industry declined substantially, resulting in a turnaround from profits to losses.
Coping with external market changes with a proactive approach, the Company continued to increase total physical production volume of products, and made every effort to push forward various tasks on production, operation, reform and development. During the Period, crude oil processing volume and outputs of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, synthetic resin & plastics and other products reached record highs once again as compared to previous corresponding periods. The natural gas comprehensive utilization project reaped good economic benefits."
In the first half of 2011, the Group's net sales amounted to RMB46,345.1 million, representing an increase of 37.61% year-on-year, of which net sales derived from petroleum products, intermediate petrochemicals, resins and plastics, synthetic fibres and trading of petrochemical products increased by 46.78%, 29.87%, 13.04%, 22.53% and 87.10% respectively.
The fully completed Phase 5 Project of the Group continued to effectively produce its overall scale effect during the first half of 2011. As a result, total volume of goods produced increased by 14.87% year-on-year. During the Period, the Group processed 5,678,300 tons of crude oil (including 131,400 tons of crude oil processed on a sub-contracting basis), an increase of 12.60% year-on-year. Outputs of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel were 510,300 tons, 2,055,700 tons and 402,500 tons respectively, representing increases of 10.24%, 33.49% and 5.78% year-on-year respectively.
Outputs of ethylene and propylene were 492,100 tons and 258,700 tons respectively, representing decreases of 0.36% and 4.30% year-on-year respectively. Output of synthetic resins and plastics (excluding polyester and polyvinyl alcohol) was 570,800 tons, representing an increase of 0.39% year-on-year. Outputs ofsynthetic fibre monomers, synthetic fibre polymers and synthetic fibres were 499,600 tons, 326,400 tons and 129,100 tons respectively, representing an increase of 0.04%, a decrease of 1.03% and an increase of 4.20% year-on-year respectively. The Group's output-to-sales ratio and receivable recovery ratio for the Period were 99.85% and 99.37% respectively.