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Retail & Brand Landscape Series by NPD

Retail & Brand Landscape Series by NPD

Write: Barbara [2011-07-11]
The NPD Group, Inc., a leading market research company, released the 2011 edition of its Brand Landscape Report. This report is part of NPD s The Retail & Brand Landscape Series 2011 and is a syndicated market research report that takes an in-depth look at what goes into purchase decisions being made by today s shoppers.
The following shopper priority lists are from The Brand Landscape Report 2011 and they show the ten most important factors in shoppers decisions when purchasing consumer electronics, apparel, athletic footwear, and toy brands.
The Retail & Brand Landscape Series allows you to see the retail world from the consumer s perspective in total or for particular consumer profiles, said Dee Warmath, senior vice president, retail insights & global product development, The NPD Group, Inc., In this analysis we see that while men and women share many of the same priorities when it comes to selecting brands, they differ in important ways and that represents opportunities for manufacturers who recognize and then leverage these unique requirements.
When shoppers of both genders decide to purchase a consumer electronics product the most important thing to them is that the product be the same brand as something they already own. After the number one reason, the genders diverge in what is important to them. Men cite growing popularity as their number two reason to make a purchase whereas women say that the product they are considering should work well with what they already own.
Women also say it is important that the product has a fashionable look something that is not on the men s list. Men do say product bundles or packages are important to them and that does not make women s top ten list of things they look for when making a consumer electronics purchase. Interestingly, good value is a message that would resonate more with men in this category than women, where that requirement did not make the women s top ten list.
As you can see, there are universal requirements that cross customer segment boundaries as well as requirements that are unique to a particular segment. Being able to prioritize your messages for your consumer enhances the impact of your advertising as well as your point of purchase efforts, observed Warmath.
In the top ten list for apparel purchase decisions both men and women say that it is a brand I ve had success with is the number one reason for making an apparel purchase. Numbers two through five differ slightly by gender but comfort is in the number six spot for both.
For apparel we see that the brand relationship is key for both men and women, said Warmath, However when making an apparel purchase women shift from trust to it s a brand friends wear and for the first and only time men say it s a brand I trust that helps to drive their purchase.
When making an athletic footwear purchase, men and women both say is your style is the number one reason for buying. Fit, solutions, and comfort round out the top five reasons that women make an athletic footwear purchase. Men say fit, solutions, and fun are in their top five.