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Advanced Aftertreatment Process for discontinuous dye houses

Advanced Aftertreatment Process for discontinuous dye houses

Write: Carley [2011-10-15]
A new rinsing process for discontinuous dye houses from Thies Textilmaschinen, dramatically reduces the number of rinses from 8 10 processes to just 2 4 with, for example, navy blue cotton, and also allows the treated water to be reused.
Constantly striving to introduce new technologies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and energy demands for discontinuous dye houses, Thies GmbH & Co KG has reached a new milestone with the introduction of its Advanced Aftertreatment Process (AAP).
The new process reduces the number of rinses and the reuse of the treated water to provide reduced consumption levels of 30 50%.
The AAP system has been designed to treat rinsing liquor in a separate Ozone reactor vessel using active oxygen to destroy the molecular structure of the dye stuff, removing the colour.
It is intended for use with all shades of yarns and fabric.
The system is operated during the rinsing and post treatment stages of the dyeing process.
The complete newly developed cycle for the dyeing machine to the ozone reactor ensures a faster and energy reduced online colour removal of the dye liquor without influence on the colour fastness.
By carrying out the AAP procedure in the dyeing machine ensures a dramatic reduction in the cycle time and the amount of effluent.
Currently 8 10 rinsing processes are necessary with, for example, navy blue cotton. With the new Thies AAP this is reduced to just 2 4 rinses.
For the first rinse, when the water is the most contaminated, it is routed from each dyeing machine in to a waste water contamination tank. This is then treated with active oxygen when the reactor is not working on completion of the subsequent rinses.
Once treated, the water is passed in to a clean water tank and is available for new treatments.