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Boss slaps worker for serving his notice

Boss slaps worker for serving his notice

Write: Moira [2011-05-20]

A man was violently slapped by his boss when he tendered his resignation in Dongguan, Guangdong province.

Li Xiangwen, who is from Hunan province, has been a manual laborer in Dongguan for 15 years and started work as a machinist at a bag factory in early January.

After two days on the job, one of Li's elbows started to give him gyp. He confided in a company executive about the condition and expressed his wish to leave the firm.

Li was summoned to his boss's office. Upon his arrival, he was promptly scolded and slapped by his boss.

The shocked worker announced that he was going to call the police. When he took out his cell phone, his boss grabbed it from his hand.

Upon leaving work, Li went to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with having a contusion on his shoulder.

He then reported the incident to the police and has asked to be compensated for his medical expenses. The case is under investigation.