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Students of GDUT Win the ACM Contest

Students of GDUT Win the ACM Contest

Write: Tania [2011-05-20]
On October 18th 2009, the Ningbo Division of the 34th (2009-2010) ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM/ICPC) Asia Regional Qualifying tournament ended in Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University. The GDUT_F_Speedo Team, made up of sophomore Dai Wei, Li Jinghao and Cui Haochuan from Faculty of Computer stood out from the 124 competing teams from 78 universities, and won the fourth prize and a bronze medal in Asia Ningbo Division. The first three prizes went to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sun Yat-Sen University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong respectively.
Students of GDUT Win the ACM Contest