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Baidu CEO Li Yanhong Shared Vision with USTC Students

Baidu CEO Li Yanhong Shared Vision with USTC Students

Write: Saumya [2011-05-20]

LI Yanhong (also known as Robin Li), the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Baidu, Inc., shared his experience and vision with students of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei on October 25, 2010.

Baidu CEO Li Yanhong Shared Vision with USTC Students

Since its founding in 2000, Baidu has become China's most popular search engine, with 70% market share. Before this, LI had patented his "hyperlink analysis" in 1996 and also worked for U.S. company Infoseek. Baidu means "hundreds of times" and comes from an 800-year old Chinese poem about the search for a "retreating beauty".

Baidu CEO Li Yanhong Shared Vision with USTC Students

USTC student HE Sihang interviewed LI who reflected on the up and downs in the U.S. before Baidu. He advised students to learn by experience at different stages of development as this would pave the way for future success.

LI told the students that whatever they did after graduation, the key is to "know themselves, particularly their interests and strengths". He suggested those who want to enter the entrepreneurial community develop "independent thinking and broaden their vision".

LI showed his confidence in the high growth of China's Internet industry, saying that Baidu would promote mobile Internet service and spend the next ten years creating a global Baidu Internet innovation base camp.

Baidu CEO Li Yanhong Shared Vision with USTC Students

Baidu's latest figures, released on October 21, show a 76.4% increase in revenues over same period in 2009. At present, it is the world's third largest search engine.

(News Center of USTC)