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6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

Write: Amos [2011-05-20]

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) announced the list of newly elected IEEE Fellow in Dec, 2010. Among the 321 winners from all over the world, the total amount of Chinese scholars is 52. What s worth mentioning is that there are six USTC alumni elected IEEE Fellow this year. By far, the number of USTC graduated IEEE Fellow has reached a total amount of 29.

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

ZENG Fangang

Dr. ZENG Fangang entered Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science in 1978. He received his Biomedical Engineering Master Degree from the Institute of Biophysics, CAS, in 1985, and then got his Ph.D Degree from Syracuse University in 1990. He is now professor of University of California, Irving. He gets the fellowship for contributions to auditory prostheses.

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

Li Kai

Dr. Li Kai received his master degree from USTC in 1981 and Ph.D degree in Yale University in 1985. He is professor of Princeton University. He get the fellowship for contributions to distributed shared memory, cluster communication, and deduplication storage systems.

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

LI Shipeng

Dr. LI Shipeng received both his Bachelor Degree and Master Degree of Electrical Engineering from USTC in the year 1988 and 1991, and he later took Ph.D Degree from Lehigh University in 1996. He is the only student that received Guo Muoruo Scholarship twice. Dr. LI is now Chief Research Fellow of Network Multimedia Group in Micro-Soft Research Asia (MSRA) and Technical Assistant of MSRA s Director. His research mainly focuses on Signal and Image Processing, Image and Video Coding, Wireless Communication and Network etc.

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

ZHU Songchun

Dr. ZHU Songchun entered USTC in 1986 and got the Information Science Bachelor Degree in 1991. He receive his Master and Ph.D degree in Harvard University, learn from Prof. David Mumford(recipient of Fields medal, Fellow of American Academy). He is now tenured professor of Statistics and Computer Science, director of Vision and Image Center. He received David Marr Prize in 2007 and is elected IEEE fellow for contributions to statistical modeling, learning and inference in computer vision.

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

FAN Shanhui

Dr. FAN Shanhui entered USTC 1988. He got his Ph.D degree in 1997 in MIT. He is also an APS Fellow, working in Stanford University. He takes the IEEE Fellowship for contributions to nanophotonics.

6 USTC Alumni Newly Elected IEEE Fellow 2011

SUN Qibin

Dr. SUN Qibin entered USTC in 1993 and got his Electronic Engineering Doctor Degree in 1997. He worked in Institute for Infocomm Research in Singapore since 1996, and now serves on Hewlett-Packard Shanghai. He has by far published more than a hundred papers in the field of Media Security, Media Analysis, and Computer Vision etc. IEEE gives his fellowship for contributions to multimedia and communications.

USTC Initiative Foundation, News Center of USTC, School of Information Science and Technology of USTC