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Quality guaranteed "All Lemon" from Argentina

Quality guaranteed "All Lemon" from Argentina

Write: Marlene [2011-05-20]
Quality guaranteed "All Lemon" from Argentina Time:10 Aug 2010 Posted by 21food.com

All Lemon is composed by 11 companies from Argentina citrus, with the aim to increase quality control and to avoid that lemons affected by the frost will be exported to foreign markets. High market prices due to the smaller supply from Argentina, can be a problem, if the shipped fruit has been affected by low temperatures. All Lemon's goal is not to disappoint the consumer.

The management is done through a quality committee, composed by the following companies: Argenti Lemon SA, Citrusvil SA, Citromax, Expofrut, Latin Lemon, FGF Trapani, Ledesma, La Moraleja SA, Pablo Padilla, Frutucum? ? n and San Miguel. All goods are certified by qualified inspectors and thus they are exported with the label "All Lemon, Tested & Certified For Export" to ensure quality.

In mid-July, the region of Tucuman located in the northwest Argentina, was affected by low temperatures and snow. This caused extensive damage throughout the region, reporting damage to crops such as strawberries, blueberries, cane sugar and lemon.
The fresh export is estimated with a decrease of 7.1%, and to the domestic market declined 14%. This scenario of fresh market and the smallest crop, projects a decline in the processing industry of 30% compared to 2009.

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