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Panda Xing Bang is Arranged to Come Back from Japan Next Week

Panda Xing Bang is Arranged to Come Back from Japan Next Week

Write: Jannali [2011-05-20]
According to the international scientific research collaboration agreement for giant panda breeding, panda Xing Bang returned on March 16th to Chengdu. Mei Mei gave birth to Xing Bang at Adventure World in Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan on August 23, 2005 Xing Bang will start its new life at the Chengdu Panda Base. This is the fifth panda to return after Xiong Bang, Long Bang, Qiu Bang and Mei Lan, since international collaborations began with America and Japan 10 years ago.

Panda Xing Bang is Arranged to Come Back from Japan Next Week

Panda Xing Bang is Arranged to Come Back from Japan Next Week

Xing Bang left Narita International Airport in Tokyo on March 15 at Beijing time 17:25, and arrived at Beijing International Airport at 21:30. Then Xing Bang flew to Chengdu on March 16th.
According to the national policy of panda protection, CITES, and international agreements between the Chinese government and the collaborating agency, those pandas born in other countries still belong to China. After the animal reaches sexual maturity or after the expiration of the agreement, they must return to China. Pandas Xiong Bang, Long Bang, Qiu Bang, and Mei Lan, all of which wer born overseas, have already returned to China.
Background information on Xing Bang
Male panda Xing Bang was born on August 23rd, 2005, studbook No. is 614. He weighed 180 grams when he was born. Mei Mei also gave birth to another male cub at that time but he weighed only 61 grams. He was so small that he couldn t nurse properly so zoo staff placed him in a incubator and tried to hand rear him. Unfortunately he died from atelocardia 40 hours after being born. Xing Bang, however, was continually nursed by Mei Mei and his weight increased steadily. In June 2009, after much work with trainers, vets were able to take blood from Xing Bang without having to anesthetize him. He is a very healthy panda, weighing in at a nice 107 kg.